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Natural Floors UK

Quality Floor Replacement or Restoration

UK coverage with guaranteed results. Established 1989

Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed

All tradespeople are fully trained, insured and motivated to give you a first class job

Commercial and domestic jobs undertaken.

Vastly experienced workforce

Enhance the look of your home

Free no obligation quotes given – also ask us anything about your job, we’re here to help you make the best decision for you…

Having seen the workmanship of Natural Floors UK in the home of a friend we were so impressed by the workmanship. We then got John Rice and his helpful and professional team into our Edinburgh Gallery where they did a superb job in restoring the floor.

Craig Duncan

MD, Blue Mountain Galleries


With the introduction of the atomic dust extractor, Natural Floors UK are the pioneers for dustless floor sanding in the British Isles. In fact the only floor sanding company in Glasgow & Edinburgh who can sand Hardwood and Parquet floors without any airborne dust whatsoever. This investment demonstrates our passion for the best possible results through commitment, technology and training. It displays confidence in our clients to recommend us without doubt, organically building our business, image and profile.

Natural Floors UK not only come highly recommended by our clients but also by other floor sanding contractors and companies in Glasgow & Edinburgh. Why is this? Its because we have a win win attitude to everything and one we deal with. There is no competition, only associates.

Natural Floors UK has worked with the worlds leading varnish and floor sanding suppliers to develop new methods in both sanding technique and varnish application to achieve standards of finish that are the envy of the industry.

Let's see just how we can help you.

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